Scott Gerber is a self taught serial entrepreneur, sought-after public speaker, internationally syndicated business columnist, television commentator, and author of the book, Never Get a Real Job. He is the producer and host of Founders Forum with Scott Gerber on He's been widely recognized as the world's most-syndicated columnist on the subject of entrepreneurship. His columns appear regularly on TIME, Inc., MSN, CNBC, CNN, Mashable, The Next Web, and The Huffington Post. Scott is also a regular contributor on MSNBC, Fox Business and CNN. Scott is the founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council, an invite-only organization comprised of many of America's most successful young entrepreneurs. He has been a featured speaker at the White House and has rung the NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell. He was named one of Mashable's 4 Young Social Good Entrepreneurs to Watch, Generation Y employment champion by Fortune Magazine, and In 2013, Fast Company named him a "superconnector" of Gen Y networking.
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deborah shane | scott gerber | young entrepreneur council | business | entreprenuership