Kristine Scott has always been a spiritual person. She was raised Catholic. But even as a small child she understood that religion and God did not mean the same thing. As a young child she thought everyone heard, saw and knew things that were not physically apparent. As she grew older Kristine was criticized for her insights so she ignored her ability. After a cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery Kristine realized she wanted a more specific way of helping others. She became a Certified NLP life coach, and studied Hands on Healing and became certified by Three Heart Balance. This education was amazing and powerful. For a time she thought being a coach and energy practitioner was a way to accept the agreement made with Spirit so many years ago. Her reason for being is to build bridges between the physical and spiritual energies on the planet. She accomplished this as an intuitive and medium. Kristine receives information from angels/guides in a clear and concise manner. All readings are done with love and grace from the universe/God. The words and insight she receives are very powerful and healing for the individual.
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palo mayombe